Best Sexologist in Delhi


Best Sexologist in Delhi

Delhi, Delhi

Price : Rs. 1,500/-

Best Sexologist in Delhi, NCR Dr. Vinod Raina, for Sexual Health. Known for His 23 Years of Expertise. 

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are caused by microorganisms that reside on the human skin or in body fluids like blood, semen, and vaginal fluids. When these microorganisms are transmitted from an infected individual to a healthy person, they can result in illness. In this article, we will delve into the sources, symptoms, and types of STDs, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of these conditions.


STDs can enter the body through various pathways, including the skin, blood, and body fluids. The primary mode of transmission is through sexual intercourse, which involves the exchange of bodily fluids via the mouth, vagina, anus, or through open sores, wounds, or cuts. It is essential to be aware of these sources to take necessary precautions and protect oneself from contracting STDs.


It is crucial to be aware of the common symptoms that may indicate a sexually transmitted infection. If you experience any of the following, seeking medical attention is highly recommended, Here are some common indicators to watch out for:

Skin Rashes:

STDs can cause rashes on the skin, which may appear as redness, irritation, or bumps. These rashes can occur in various regions of the body, depending on the specific infection.

Burning Sensation During Urination:

A prevalent symptom of STDs is experiencing a burning sensation or discomfort while urinating. This discomfort can be a result of inflammation or infection in the urinary tract.

Genital Ulcers:

Open sores or ulcers in the genital area can be indicative of certain STDs. These ulcers may be painful, tender, and accompanied by inflammation.

Discharges from the Penis and Vagina:

Unusual discharges from the penis or vagina can be signs of an underlying sexually transmitted infection. These discharges may have an abnormal color, consistency, or odor.

Abdominal Pain (Females):

Women may experience abdominal pain as a common symptom of STDs. This pain can range from mild discomfort to severe cramping and should not be overlooked.

It is important to note that the presence of these symptoms does not guarantee an Sexually Transmitted Diseases diagnosis. Consulting a Dr. Raina's Safe Hands for proper testing and evaluation is crucial for accurate identification and appropriate best STD treatment In delhi.

At Dr Raina's Safe Hands, Dr Vinod Raina provide comprehensive and reliable STD treatment in Delhi, offering a safe haven for individuals seeking professional care and guidance. Our approach to the diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted infections focuses on treating the signs and STD symptoms associated with these conditions. By prioritizing patient education, counseling, and appropriate laboratory tests, we strive to effectively address and combat these preventable and curable diseases.


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